Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Main Ideas Chapter 29

1. Earthquakes occur because of the shifting of the tectonic plates.

2. Japenese islands are so unstable because the islands are formed by volcanoes, which means the same forces the built them can destroy them.

3. Some organizations to help prepare for disasters are Japenese Red Cross Scociety and the Asia Pacific Disaster Management Center.

4. The Western nations had an economic development in East Asia with recession, sweatshops, and deabt.

5. The countries that idustrialize were then able to make money and grow which is globalization.

6. Recession which is an extended decline in general business activity, sweatshops, and low wages.

7. Overcrowding, food production, and sanitation problems

8. Agressive family planning programs were begun.

9. The weren't very developed and they were experiencing many problems.

10. By the begging of the 21st century they were their literacy rates, health, and economy increased.

Main Ideas Chapter 28

1. In what ways has China influenced other cultures in the region? 
They have conquered many places and brought in communism. They also invented gunpowder, paper, and printing.

2. How is China able to feed its enormous population? 
They are able to feed their enormous population because they remain a large rurual society, self sufficient in agriculture.  About 60% of China's workers work on farms.

3. What are some of the basic beliefs of Confucianism?
The importance of order, education, and hierarchy in a well ordered society.

4. What kind of economy does Mongolia, and what activity is at its core? 
Mongolia's economy is based on people caring for livestock on farms and racnches and they are moving towards the development of new industries. The activity is at its core is herding and managing livestock.

5. What kind of economy does Taiwan have? 
Taiwan's economy is based on its strong manufaacturing idustries and trade with other nations. The most successful products of its factories are radios, televisions, calculators, and computers.

6. Why did North Korea become a communist state and South Korea a democracy?
North Korea is a communist state because it was contolled by the Soviet Union and South Korea is supported by the United States.

7. Why is south Korea considered an economic tiger?
South Korea is considerd an economic tiger because it is a nation with rapid economic growth due to cheap labor, high technology, and aggressive exports.

8. Why did Japan emerge onto the world scene in the 19th century? 
Japan emerges into the world scene in the 19th century because their government brought them into modern age.

9. Why is the city of Kyoto in Japan important? 
It is monument to their culture because the Buddhist temples and shines built of wood in the old style.

10. Where does Japan get its resources, and how does it use them in its industries? 
The important resources are coil and petroleum, they then use these to manufacture products for export to global market.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015


1) Why did Shi Huangdi build a wall in northern China?
Shi Huangdi decided to build a preotective wall so he could close the gaps between smaller walls built by earlier rulers. It also protected China from the barbarian warriors.

2) How was China governed in its early history?
It was a dynatsy

3) What are some achievements China made in its early history?
The great wall, paper, printing, and gunpower.

4) When did Europeans begin exploration of China?
The 13th century

5) How was Europe able to gain access to Chinese markets in the 19th century?
They were able to gain access because of China's weak military and ineffective governmennt. So the Europeans took advantage and forced China to sign a series of treaties that granted special privileges to the Europeans.

6) Which political group has held considerable power in China for the last 50 years?
The communist party

7) What did the Communist party want for China's economy?
They wanted to modernize China by encouraging the growth of industry.

8) Where does China get the resources that fuel the industrial economy?
The manufacturing industries like coal, iron ore, and oil.

9) What item is especially popular as an export to the U.S.

10) Name two important Chinese inventions?
Paper, Printing, and gunpowder.

11) What are the predominant religions of China?
Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism

12) What is China's population?
In 2010 it was about 1.34 billion.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

1) How long is the Great Wall of China?
5,500 miles long 

2) Why was it built? And where does it run from and to?
It was built in an attempt to keep invaders of Mongolia out of China. It goes from the Yellow Sea to the Gobi Desert. 

3) What are three natural barriers that have limited people's movement in East Asia?
Mountains, deserts, and cold climates 

4) How large is the Gobi Desert?
It covers more than 500,00 square miles

5) List two plains in Northern China.
Manchurian Plain and the North China Plain

6) Name three rivers in China.
Huang He (Yellow River), Chang Jiang (Yangtze River), Xi Jiang (West River) 

7) Where does the Huang begin and end?
It starts in Kunlun Mountains in the west and winds east for about 3,000 miles before empyting into the Yellow Sea.

8) How long is the Chang Jiang?
It is the longest river in all of Aisa. It flows about 3,900 miles from Xizang(Tibet) to the East China Sea. 

9) What is the southernmost of the three great river systems of China?
The Xi Jiang

10) What are the natural resources of China?
 Coal, comnercial fishing, copper, gold, hydroelectric power, iron ore, lead, natural gas, petroleum, silver, tin, and tungsten. 

11) Which countries in East Asia would need to import coal or oil?
North Korea, South Korea, Mongolia, Taiwan, and Japan

12) What effect might natural resources have had on the development of East Asia?
It will boost their economy and bring me more people there because there would be new jobs. 

13) What is a typhoon and where does it occur?
A tropical storm that occurs in the western Pacific 

14) What two words best describe the climates in the higher latitudes of East Asia?
COLD and very dry

15) Where are most deserts found in East Asia?
In the middles of East Aisa and in the dry zones and in China.

16) Where are the tropical zones of East Asia found?
It is found on a small strip of land along China's southeastern coast, the island of Hainan, and the southern tip of Taiwan. 

17) What does typhoon mean in Chinese? What other type of storm is a typhoon most like?
It means the "great wind". It is related to a cyclone or hurricane. 

Monday, April 13, 2015


1.    How did East Africa’s location help it to become a major international trading center? East Africa was located on the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean, which made it an important trading center because it was easy to get to by boat.

2.    What impact did the Berlin Conference have on Africa? It determined how Africa would be divided and the boundaries that the European set. This led to many civil wars and conflicts.

3.    How did Islam become the biggest influence in North Africa? Their religion is based on the teachings of Muhammad. The successors of Muhammad began to spread Islam faith through conquest and trade.

4.    How have women’s roles in North Africa changed over the years? Women are now aloud to divorce, many have now gotten professional jobs, and girls don’t have arranged marriages anymore.

5.    What are the similarities and differences of among the three West African kingdoms of Ghana, Mali, and Songhai?

6.    What are some of the problems faced by West African economies?  Ghana’s transition from colonialism to democracy has had setbacks with military rule and civil war. Now every four years Ghana holds free and fair elections. As a result the economy is growing at a healthy rate but other West African countries have not been. Sierra Leone faces problems like an uneducated population, shortage of skilled workers, and the road and there are few transportation systems.

7.    Why were Bantu Migrations important in African history? They produced a great diversity of cultures but also helped link various areas of continent. Around 150 million Africans speak one of the hundreds of Bantu languages.

8.    What are some the problems facing education in Central Africa? Problems with education in Central Africa is that many kids drop out at an early age, there is a shortage on trained teachers, and a shortage on secondary schools.

9.How have natural resources affected the economy of Southern Africa?
The natural resources helped to become a trading area.

10. He fought for black righs, and become imprisoned, nations around the world pressured South Africa to end the Apatheid after his arrest. 

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Reveiw Questions

1) What form of government did ancient Egypt have?
Egypt was a monarchy and they were ruled by pharaohs.

2) What practices did the ancient world acquire from Egypt?
Writing, ideas about farming, geometery, and medicine. 

3) How did Muslims gain control of North Africa?
The Muslims gained control of North Africa by invading it. 

4) What countries make up North Africa?
Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, South Sudan, Sudan, and Tunisia. 

5) How has North Africa's economic base evolved?
North Africa began as an economy based on agriculture. Then it evolved into an economy based on the growth of cash crops and mining. Today the economy revolves around the disovering of oil. 

6) Why has the oil industry failed to benefit local workers?
Oil companies were forced to give many high paying jobs to the foreign workers. Unemployment was still a problem, so it forced North Africans to migrate to Europe in search of jobs. 

7) How are prices set for products sold at souks?
They are set at high prices so people are expected to bargain for the products. 

8) How has rai music changed since its beginnings?
The rai music was at first carefree and centered around tropics for youth. Today rai is now used as a form of rebellion against Islamic fundamentalists, espesially by women.

9) What was the traditional role for North African women?
The traditional role for North African women was to stay at home and take care of the children.

10) What gains have Tunisian women made outside the home?
They have professional jobs, they can now divorce, and preteen girls no longer have aranged marriages. 

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Study Questions

1) What were some early civilizations in East Africa?  Why were these civilizations important?
An early civilization was Askum. They were importnant because it emerged present day Ethiopia in the A.D. 100s. Its location on the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean made it an important trading center and contributed to its expansion and power.

2) What happened at the Berlin Conference of 1884-1885?
The Berlin Conference was to prevent European wars over Africa. Nations that atteneded this conference decided that any European country could claim land in Africa by telling other nations and showing that they could control the land. They also set boundaries that combined peoples who were traditional enimies and divided others who were not.

3) What African countries managed to remain free of European control?
Ethiopia and Lybria were the two countires that managed to remain free of European control.

4) How did colonialism cause conflicts in East Africa after independence?
 Eueropean colonial powers had not prepared East African nations for independence. Also, the ethnic boundaries created by the Europeans forced cultual divisions that hadnt existed before.

5) How did Ethiopia manage to defeat Italy in 1896?
Their leader Menelik II, skillfully protected his country from the italian invasion with weapons from France and Russia. They also had a greater knowledge of the area's geography than did the Italians.

6) What are some cash crops of East Africa?
Some cash crops of East Africa are coffee, tea, and sugar.

7) What is East Africa's most critical health-care problem.
East Africa's most critical health-care problem is AIDS and HIV.

8) Research the Rwanda massacre (genocide?) and briefly discuss what happened and why.
The Rwanda Massacre was a killing between the three different Rwanda ethnic groups, Hutu, Tutsi, and Twa. In the 1990s Hutu extremists with in Rwanda' s political elite blambed the entire Tutsi population for the countrys increasing social, economic, and political pressures. They were also accused of supporting a Tutsi- dominated rebel group, the RPF(Rwrandan Patriotic Front). In 1994 a plane that was carrying President Habyarimana was shot down, violence began right after that.