Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Main Ideas Chapter 29

1. Earthquakes occur because of the shifting of the tectonic plates.

2. Japenese islands are so unstable because the islands are formed by volcanoes, which means the same forces the built them can destroy them.

3. Some organizations to help prepare for disasters are Japenese Red Cross Scociety and the Asia Pacific Disaster Management Center.

4. The Western nations had an economic development in East Asia with recession, sweatshops, and deabt.

5. The countries that idustrialize were then able to make money and grow which is globalization.

6. Recession which is an extended decline in general business activity, sweatshops, and low wages.

7. Overcrowding, food production, and sanitation problems

8. Agressive family planning programs were begun.

9. The weren't very developed and they were experiencing many problems.

10. By the begging of the 21st century they were their literacy rates, health, and economy increased.

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