Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Main Ideas Chapter 28

1. In what ways has China influenced other cultures in the region? 
They have conquered many places and brought in communism. They also invented gunpowder, paper, and printing.

2. How is China able to feed its enormous population? 
They are able to feed their enormous population because they remain a large rurual society, self sufficient in agriculture.  About 60% of China's workers work on farms.

3. What are some of the basic beliefs of Confucianism?
The importance of order, education, and hierarchy in a well ordered society.

4. What kind of economy does Mongolia, and what activity is at its core? 
Mongolia's economy is based on people caring for livestock on farms and racnches and they are moving towards the development of new industries. The activity is at its core is herding and managing livestock.

5. What kind of economy does Taiwan have? 
Taiwan's economy is based on its strong manufaacturing idustries and trade with other nations. The most successful products of its factories are radios, televisions, calculators, and computers.

6. Why did North Korea become a communist state and South Korea a democracy?
North Korea is a communist state because it was contolled by the Soviet Union and South Korea is supported by the United States.

7. Why is south Korea considered an economic tiger?
South Korea is considerd an economic tiger because it is a nation with rapid economic growth due to cheap labor, high technology, and aggressive exports.

8. Why did Japan emerge onto the world scene in the 19th century? 
Japan emerges into the world scene in the 19th century because their government brought them into modern age.

9. Why is the city of Kyoto in Japan important? 
It is monument to their culture because the Buddhist temples and shines built of wood in the old style.

10. Where does Japan get its resources, and how does it use them in its industries? 
The important resources are coil and petroleum, they then use these to manufacture products for export to global market.

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