Monday, April 13, 2015


1.    How did East Africa’s location help it to become a major international trading center? East Africa was located on the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean, which made it an important trading center because it was easy to get to by boat.

2.    What impact did the Berlin Conference have on Africa? It determined how Africa would be divided and the boundaries that the European set. This led to many civil wars and conflicts.

3.    How did Islam become the biggest influence in North Africa? Their religion is based on the teachings of Muhammad. The successors of Muhammad began to spread Islam faith through conquest and trade.

4.    How have women’s roles in North Africa changed over the years? Women are now aloud to divorce, many have now gotten professional jobs, and girls don’t have arranged marriages anymore.

5.    What are the similarities and differences of among the three West African kingdoms of Ghana, Mali, and Songhai?

6.    What are some of the problems faced by West African economies?  Ghana’s transition from colonialism to democracy has had setbacks with military rule and civil war. Now every four years Ghana holds free and fair elections. As a result the economy is growing at a healthy rate but other West African countries have not been. Sierra Leone faces problems like an uneducated population, shortage of skilled workers, and the road and there are few transportation systems.

7.    Why were Bantu Migrations important in African history? They produced a great diversity of cultures but also helped link various areas of continent. Around 150 million Africans speak one of the hundreds of Bantu languages.

8.    What are some the problems facing education in Central Africa? Problems with education in Central Africa is that many kids drop out at an early age, there is a shortage on trained teachers, and a shortage on secondary schools.

9.How have natural resources affected the economy of Southern Africa?
The natural resources helped to become a trading area.

10. He fought for black righs, and become imprisoned, nations around the world pressured South Africa to end the Apatheid after his arrest. 

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