Monday, March 23, 2015

Main Ideas #1-7

1. The Nile River spports life, because the farmers can use the waters effectiviley for irrigation. People also use the Nile river for trade and transportation. Also, Egyptians depend on the Nile for their water.

2. Some abundant resources in Africa are gold, platinum, chromium, cobalt, copper, phosphates, diamonds, and many other minerals.

3. Oil in Angola not always benifts Angolans because American oil companies pay Angola a fee for drilling right and the oil. They also discovered that Angola would surpass Nigeria as Africa's most oil-rich country.

4. The Sahara is the worlds largest sesert in the world. It stretches 3,000 miles across the continent, from the Alantic Ocean to the Red Sea. It also runs 1,200 miles from north to south.

5. The amount of rainfall verys from year to year, some parts of Africa have lots of rainfall and other parts are very dry. Rainy seasons can last up to 6 months.

6. The Serengeti Plain supports much of the wildlife because the tall grasses make an ideal place for grazing animals. Heards of wildebeests, gazelles, and zebras roam there, and it is the place where the largest numbers of land mammals still make anual migrations.

7. Some benifits of the rainforests are that it is a home to many animals like birds, monkeys, flying foxes, and snakes. Many plants usede for medicinal purpose are also found in the rainforest.

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