Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Assessment Questions

1) Basin are depressions in the land found throughout the plateau
    Nile River is the world's longest river and it flows through the Uganda, Sudan, and into Egypt
    Rift valleys are long thin valleys stretching over 4,000 miles from Jordan in Southwest Aisa to Mozambique in Southern Africa
    Mount Kilimanjaro is Africa's highest mountain, a volcanic mountain, and is found in West Africa
    Escarpment is a steep slope with a nearly flat plateau on top, and it is found in Southern Africa

2) Landforms found in Africa are lakes, rivers, mountains, basins, rift valleys, and escarpments. Natural resources found in Africa are lumber, oil, minerals, and agriculture.

3a) Africa is called a Plateu continent because it lies 1,000 feet above sea level and the plateu is Africas most prominent feature

3b) Some of Africa's distinct landforms are the Nile River, Chad Basin, Djouf basin, the Sudan river, Congo river, rift valleys, mount Kenya, Mount Kilimanjaro, and the Great Escarpment.

3c) The abundance of natural resources has not translated into economic wealth becuase the resources are being taken by other people, and a bunch of the oil money was used for fighting in the civil war.

1. What type of food do they eat?
2. Why do they live so far away from the water?
3. How many kids go to school?
4. What do there houses look like?
5. How many people live in each house? What is the average number of kids a family has?


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