Thursday, February 19, 2015


1) Why can Europe be called a peninsula of peninsulas?
Europe is called a peninsula of penisulas because it is one big puninsula made up of a bunch of small peninsulas.

2) Where does the Danube flow?
The Danube flows from the heart of England, flowing 1,771 miles west to east connecting the Europeans to the Black Sea.

3) What is the most important plain in Europe?
Northern Eurpean Plain

4) What resources does Europe have in abundance?
Energy and agriculture

5) Why do the Irish burn peat?
The Irish lack resources so they use it for heat and energy.

6) How are the landforms of Europe both an advantage and disadvantage?
The Mountains: Pros- Blocks cold wind, creates natural barriers Cons: makes trade and movement difficult
The Rivers: Pros - Encourages trade and travel Cons: Nothing

The Plains: Pros - provides agriculture Cons: Lets armies invade easily

7) What is the North Atlantic Drift?
The North Atlantic Drift is a current of warm water from the tropics that flows near Europe's west coast.

8) What parts of Europe benefit from the Mediterranean climate?
Italy, Greece, France, Spain, and Portugal

9) Why do trees not grow in upper Scandinavia?
The abundance of permafrost.

10) What percentage of the Netherlands was once under the sea?
Over 40%

11) Why did Venice grow?
Venice grew because other people would go there to escape invaders.

12) What problems face Venice today?
Waste, sweage, and saltwater are combining to eat away the foundations and buildings. Erosion has allowed increaseed amounts of seawater in the lagoon. So therefor they have floods that are endangering the cities.

13) What actions have led to deforestation in Europe?
Things that led to deforestation in Europe was because people were cutting down trees to build buildings, using the trees for fuel, and the idea of cutting down trees to make more room.

14) Why was Ancient Greece important?
Ancient Greece is important because they gave us the democratic government.

15) What are some of Rome's cultural legacies?
The Latin language that influenced French, Spanish, and other romantic languages. Ideas of different type of government.

16) What were the crusades?
A series of wars to take the Holy Land from the Muslims

17) How has Mediterranean Europe's economy changed since WWII.
The war made the switch from agriculture to industrialism

18) Why are France and Germany the dominant countries of Western Europe?
They are the largest, have many ports and access to trade routes, and have strong economies.

19) How did language differences develop in Western Europe?
Latin broke into other languages through migration and the conquering of places.

20) Why was the Berlin Wall built?  When did it come down?
The Berlin Wall was a wall put put up to seperate Communist and Non-Communist parties before they unified. in 1989 it was taken down when the fighting was over.

21) List the four sub-region of Europe.  Be able to list the countries in each sub-region.
Mediterranean- Portugal, Spain, Andorra, Italy, Greece

Eastern- Romania, Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Slovenia

Western- France, Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, Austria,

Northern Europe- Ireland, Iceland, UK, Norway, Sweden, Finland

22) What is the history of Northern Europe?
Vikings conquered many areas and then Great Britain tried to create a strong empire. They created a very good navy because they were an island.

23)  What country in Northern Europe chose not to join the EU?

24) Where did the industrial revolution start?
It started in Great Britain and spread everywhere else.

25) Why has there been turmoil in Eastern Europe?
Everyone wants to be there own nation-state and other countries wouldn't let them

26) What problems existed in the Eastern European economy under Communist rule?
Factories were told what to produce which led to shortages of goods, they couldn't keep up with technology, and heavy pollution.

27) How did the Reformation create new cultural divisions?
Many Christians broke away from the Christian church and formed Protestant churches. This created a battle between the two.

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