Thursday, February 12, 2015

Chapter 13 main ideas 1-10

1. Ancient Athens left us the fist democracy.

2. The empires of Spain and Portugal had an effect on the rest of the world because they established colonies in the Americas and elsewhere. The empires also spread Catholicism and the Spanish and Portuguese languages through out the world.

3. In the 1970's Spain granted the Basque region self-rule, but some Basques want complete independence and used violence to fight for it.

4. The reformation created new culture divisions because it was a period when many Christians broke away from the Catholic church and Started Protestant churches. This then lead Catholics and Protestants to fight religious wars that tore Europe apart.

5. Nationalism offen lead to conflicts because it caused people to want their own countries.

6. Germany and Austrias famous artistic legacy is painting and music.

7. The vikings where seafaring warriors. They sailed in long ships to coastal towns and conducted hit-and-run aids. They also conquered parts of Britain and sailed to Iceland, Greenland, and even North America.

8. The geographic advantages that helped Great Britain build its empire were that since it was an island they could see people coming to invade so it led to a strong navy.

9. Cultures were so diverse therfor it was hard to create the independent nation-states.

10. Under communism factories were told what to produce which then led to many problems like  shortages of goods, couldn't keep up with technology, and pollution.

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