Monday, January 19, 2015


LOCATION: Rome's exact location is 41° N and 12° E. It is the capital of Italy, and it lies west to the Apennine mountains.

PLACE: The big religion in Rome is Roman Catholic, but the also have different religions like Christianity and Islam.

REGION: Rome is in the Lazio Region of central Italy on the Tiber river.

HUMAN-ENVIRONMENT INTERACTION: To solve the water problem in Rome they had to  build aquaducts that extended for miles to the nearby mountain lakes. They were above ground structures that served as man-made ditches that carried water from the mountain lakes to the reservoir. The bad thing about Rome is that it has bad air pollution, because all of the cars.

FACTS: In ancient Rome people used to wash their clothes in urine. They also used to eat things like dormice and flamingo, and while they eat they would lie down on the couch. Rome was founded by two brothers Romulus and Remus, who were raised by a wolf. The two brothers then got in a fight and Remus was killed, so Romulus named the city after himself. Therefor that why it is called Rome. 

1 comment:

  1. Good work. Are you now going to start washing your clothes in URINE?
