Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Review Questions

1) What did you learn about EU countries in this section?
We learned about France and Germany, in 1990 they reunited under a democratic government. They tried to end the rivalry that so often led to war. These two nations were leaders in the movement toward establishing the European union. 

2) How do language and religion reflect the cultural division in Western Europe?
France and Germany were always fighting over religion, Germany is Protestant and France is Catholic. The languages they speak were given by the Roman Empire. 

3) Which Western European leaders tried to unify Europe through conquest?
Western European leaders who tried to unify Europe through conquest were Napoleon Bonaparte, Charlemagne, and Hitler.

4) In what way does Western Europe have a diverse economy?
Western Europe has a diverse economy with the fashion, textiles, vehicles, wine, and many other things. 

5) What was the Reformation?
It was the period of time where all the Christians broke away from the Catholic Church and started Protestant churches. 

6) What was the Holocaust?
The Holocaust was the killing of two-thirds of European Jews and the murder of other minorities. 

7) What was the Berlin Wall?
The Berlin Wall, divided Berlin into two sides one side being Communist and the other Non-Communist. 

8) What are some characteristics of Modern Life in Western Europe?
Some characteristics in modern life in Western Europe is the good public transportation systems, and the many cultural attractions like movies, concerts, art galleries, and museums. Crime rates are lower than the United States and they live in smaller houses than Americans do. When they go on vacation they like to spend their time out doors riding bikes, hiking, or skiing. 

-Western Europe is important for exporting luxury goods to the world.
-Industrialism caused European nations to set up colonies in other lands in order to gain raw materials and markets.
-France has one of the worlds fastest passenger trains

What are Europe's top three manufacturing nations?  

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