Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Review Questions

1) What did you learn about EU countries in this section?
We learned about France and Germany, in 1990 they reunited under a democratic government. They tried to end the rivalry that so often led to war. These two nations were leaders in the movement toward establishing the European union. 

2) How do language and religion reflect the cultural division in Western Europe?
France and Germany were always fighting over religion, Germany is Protestant and France is Catholic. The languages they speak were given by the Roman Empire. 

3) Which Western European leaders tried to unify Europe through conquest?
Western European leaders who tried to unify Europe through conquest were Napoleon Bonaparte, Charlemagne, and Hitler.

4) In what way does Western Europe have a diverse economy?
Western Europe has a diverse economy with the fashion, textiles, vehicles, wine, and many other things. 

5) What was the Reformation?
It was the period of time where all the Christians broke away from the Catholic Church and started Protestant churches. 

6) What was the Holocaust?
The Holocaust was the killing of two-thirds of European Jews and the murder of other minorities. 

7) What was the Berlin Wall?
The Berlin Wall, divided Berlin into two sides one side being Communist and the other Non-Communist. 

8) What are some characteristics of Modern Life in Western Europe?
Some characteristics in modern life in Western Europe is the good public transportation systems, and the many cultural attractions like movies, concerts, art galleries, and museums. Crime rates are lower than the United States and they live in smaller houses than Americans do. When they go on vacation they like to spend their time out doors riding bikes, hiking, or skiing. 

-Western Europe is important for exporting luxury goods to the world.
-Industrialism caused European nations to set up colonies in other lands in order to gain raw materials and markets.
-France has one of the worlds fastest passenger trains

What are Europe's top three manufacturing nations?  

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Outline for Chapter 13 sec 2

Western Europe 
1. A History of Cultural Divisions
France and Germany are the two dominant countries of Western Europe. They are the two largest countries and have access to resources, ports, and trade routes helped them to build productive economies.
      A. Rome to Charlemagne
           1. The Roman Empire had conquered the Celtic tribes in 50 B.C.
           2. French is one of the Romance Languages evolved from Latin
           3. In the late 700s Charlemagne, a Germanic King, conquered most of the region
           4. His empire fell apart after his death

      B. The Reformation
           1. A religious movement during the Renaissance when people questioned the church
           2. In 1517 Martin Luther published 95 statements that criticized church practices
           3. Christians broke away from the Catholic Church and started Protestant churches
           4. Hostility between the two led to religious wars that tore Europe apart
           5. France is primarily Catholic and Germany is primarily Protestant

2. The Rise of Nation-States
Period between the fall of Rome and the Renaissance, known as the Middle Ages. Europeans gradually developed the nation-state, an independent nation of people with a common culture.

       A. Nationalism
            1. After Rome fell feudalism developed in Europe. It was a political system in which powerful lords owned most of the land
            2. Over time strong kings gained power over feudal lords and nationalism evolved. Nationalism is the belief that people should be loyal to their nation, the people with whom they share land, culture, and history
            3. It led to modern nation-states
            4. France was one of the first nation-states. 1st Kings held absolute power. In 1789 the people rebelled during the French Revolution. Later, Napoleon seized power and tried to conquer Europe.
            5. From 1600-1945 wars frequently broke out among nation-states of Europe particularly France and Austria and France and German States.
            6. Germany united in 1872
            7.  Industrialism in the 1800s caused European nations to set up colonies in other lands in order to gain raw materials.

        B. Modern Conflicts
             1. Competition for colonies led to World War 1
             2. The harsh terms imposed on German after the war and the resentment felt due to those terms led to World War II
             3. During World War II Germany was led by Hitler and Nazi Party
             4. The Nazis carried out the Holocaust: a mass murder campaign that eliminated 2/3 of the European Jews
             5. After the war Germany was split into two. West Germany was non-communist, and east Germany was controlled by Soviet Union
             6. In 1989 the Berlin Wall fell and Germany and France became leaders in establishing European Union

3. Economics: Diversity and Luxury
Since the Middle Ages, Western Europe has been rich in agriculture. In the 1800s it was one of the first regions to industrialize. It remains a strong economy because of agriculture, manufacturing, plus high-tech service industries
        A. Agriculture To High-Tech
             1. Farming and livestock provide are important for Belgium, France, Netherlands, and Switzerland
             2. France is the largest producer of agriculture in Western Europe
             3. France, Germany, and the Netherlands are three of Europe's top manufacturing nations
             4. Germany and the Netherlands are important producers of electronics
             5. Germany also produces scientific equipment
             6. France has one of the fastest passenger trains in the world, as well a space program and nuclear energy(80% of its energy is produced by Nuclear Power Plants)
             7. Switzerland specializes in the banking industry.
         B. Tourism and Luxury
              1. Because of the mild climate, varied scenery, and historics sites Western Europe is popular with tourists. Tourism is a major part of French, Swiss, and Austrian economics
              2. Western Europe also exports goods: German Cars, Swiss Watches, high fashion clothes from France and flower bulbs from the Netherlands
4. Great Music and Art
Western European country has a distinct identity, shaped in part by language and religion. It has a strong artistic legacy
         A. Music
              1. German and Austria are famous for music
              2. Some German musicians/composers include Bach and Beethoven
              3. Austrian composers include Mozart

         B. Painting
              1. France and the Netherlands have many important painters.
              2. Jan Van Eyck from Flanders, and he perfected the techniques for using oil paints
              3. Jan Vermeer and Rembrandt were Dutch artist who painted with great realism
              4. Impressionist Claude Monet and postimpressionists Paul Cézanne and Paul Gauguin all paved the way for modern art

5. Modern Life
Because of Western Europe's strong economics they enjoy a high standard of living and most live in cities
         A. City Life
              1. Western European cities are interesting and pleasant places to live
              2. They have good transportation systems and offer many cultural attractions
              3. Europeans live in smaller houses than Americans
              4. They receive more paid vacation, so they can go engage in outdoor activities

         B. Recent Conflicts
              1. In recent decades they have been facing immigration problems, many "guest workers" from Yugoslavia and Turkey went to West Germany for jobs
              2. When the German economy declined, angry Germans committed discrimination and even violence against immigrants.
              3. In response other Germans protested Racism
              4. Austria also faced tension
              5. Political leader Joerg Haider made controversial remarks that defended former Nazis and that immigrants found insulting.
              6. In 2000 Haider had to resign as party head, but he still remained a force in Austrian public life.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Main Ideas #1-10 on page 286

1) The mountains make it harder for other places to invade on Europe, and they are unable to trade.

2) The rivers are very important aspect of its geography because it helps encourage trade and travel.

3) The most important oil fields are located in The United Kingdom and the Netherlands. The countries that pump oil from them are Norway, The Netherlands, The United Kingdom, and Denmark.

4)Prevailing westerlies blow from west to east and  they pick up warmth from a current coming from the tropics. After, they carry it over to Europe but the mountains block it.

5. Citrus fruits would be found in the Mediterranean climate because the mountains block cold north winds from getting to the Balkan, Iberian, and Italian peninsulas.

6. In the far Northern part of Scandinavia there are no trees growing because the land is always covered in Permafrost. There are only moss and lichens.

7) The dutch built seaworks, to control the sea's destructive impact on human life. The dikes would hold back the sea, while the terpen provided places to go for safety during floods and high tides.

8. They have changed the physical geography by building polders and draining the land so they would have more room for their population to grow and they made a part of the North Sea into a freshwater lake by building dikes.

9) Pollutants found in the Venice canals are industrial waste, sewage, and saltwater.

10) People would chop down forests in Europe because it provided wood to burn for fuel, and they used it to build building materials for ships and houses.

Monday, January 19, 2015


LOCATION: Rome's exact location is 41° N and 12° E. It is the capital of Italy, and it lies west to the Apennine mountains.

PLACE: The big religion in Rome is Roman Catholic, but the also have different religions like Christianity and Islam.

REGION: Rome is in the Lazio Region of central Italy on the Tiber river.

HUMAN-ENVIRONMENT INTERACTION: To solve the water problem in Rome they had to  build aquaducts that extended for miles to the nearby mountain lakes. They were above ground structures that served as man-made ditches that carried water from the mountain lakes to the reservoir. The bad thing about Rome is that it has bad air pollution, because all of the cars.

FACTS: In ancient Rome people used to wash their clothes in urine. They also used to eat things like dormice and flamingo, and while they eat they would lie down on the couch. Rome was founded by two brothers Romulus and Remus, who were raised by a wolf. The two brothers then got in a fight and Remus was killed, so Romulus named the city after himself. Therefor that why it is called Rome. 

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Questions for chapter 12

1) Why can Europe be called "a peninsula or peninsulas"?
Its one big peninsula made up of a bunch of smaller peninsula put together

2) What European islands are located in North Atlantic?  In the Mediterranean Sea?

 The islands in North Atlantic is Great Britain, Ireland, Iceland, Greenland. In the Mediterranean Sea there is Corsica, Sardinia, Sicily, and Crete.

3) How do mountains and uplands affect life in Europe?

It serves as a natural barrier between places, makes it harder to move, and they protect the people from the wind.

4) The Alps arc across what countries or places?

France, Italy, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, and the norther Balkan Peninsula. 

5) The Pyrenees are located where?

France, Spain, and Portugal

6) Where does the Danube flow?

The heart of Europe from west to east.

7) How are rivers used in Europe?

The rivers helped connect Europeans to the rest of the world, encouraging both trade and travels.

8) What is the most important plain in Europe?

Northern European Plain 

9) Why is it important?

It is important because it has fertile soil, and the flat land that produces large amounts of food.

10) How are the landforms of Europe both an advantage and disadvantage?
The advantage of having the mountains is it blocks the wind and is hard to invade, but the disadvantage is that you aren't able to trade. Advantage to having rivers is that it is easy to trade. Advantage of the plains is that the fertile soil allows them to grow crops, but the flat lands also allows invaders. 

11) How did natural resources help Europe to become industrialized?

There large amount of coil and iron helped them to become industrialized and also there good transportation to move the steel.