Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Chapter 5 sec 2

1) Which parts of Canada and the United States have the most similar climate?
Alaska and the Yukon and the northern East coast and Canada

2) What areas in Canada and the U.S. have areas of permafrost?

Areas in Canada and the U.S. that have areas of permafrost are Northern Alaska and Northern Canada 

3) What kind of climates do not exist in Canada?

Climates that do not exist in Canada are Tropical and dry climates.

4) Which two states in the U.S. have tropical climates?
The two states that have tropical climates are Florida and Hawaii.

5) Where are the Everglades located?

 The Everglades are located in Florida.

6) Within which climate would you most likely find a rain forest?

Tropical climate 

7) What kids of extreme weather occur often in the Great Plains?

Extreme weather that occurs in the Great Plains are droughts, twisters, and dust storms. 

8) What areas are most at risk for flooding?

Areas near big rivers like the Mississippi river are most at risk for flooding. 

9) What areas suffer hurricanes?

Areas that suffer hurricanes are East coast, Atlantic, and Gulf coasts.

10) What climate regions do the U.S. and Canada share?
U.S and Canada share a humid continental climate and marine west coast climate.

11) What climate regions are found in the U.S. but not in Canada?
Climates that are found in U.S but not in Canada are tropical, milder, and dry.

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