Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Reviewing Terms and Places #11-20

11) Which of the above terms indicate imaginary parallel lines that circle the earth? 
Latitude lines

12) Which term marks the beginning of longitude? 
The prime meridian

13) Which of the above term has 180 in each hemisphere?
Longitude hemisphere

14) How may hemispheres be divided? 
Through the north and south and west and east.

15) What imaginary line separates the Northern Hemisphere from the Southern Hemisphere?  

16) Which term is also known as a meridian line?
Longitude line

17) Would a cartographer work on a map or a globe? 
A map

18) Why are map projections needed?
Map projections are needed because it is a way of drawing earth surface that reduces distortion.

19) Which of the above terms are associated with the geographic grid?
Longitude, latitude, prime meridian, and equator.

20) Which term characterizes the study of the use of land space?

Main Ideas # 1-10

1) How is absolute location different from relative location?
Absolute location is the exact place on earth where geographic feature is found. Relative location describes a place in comparison to other places around it.

2) What are some examples of information that would be included in a place description?
Climate, landforms, vegetation, sights, and sounds.

3) How is place different from region?
Place includes the physical features and cultural characteristics, region is an area of earth's surface with similar characteristics.

4) Why do geographers study movement? 
Geographers study movement because they are interested in the ways people, goods, and ideas move from place to place.

5) What is the purpose of a map? 
The purpose of a map is to show a two dimensional graphic representations of earths surface.

6) How do satellites aid in mapmaking? 
Satellites help provide geographic data.

7) Why is GIS a valuable tool for examining the geography for a place? 
GIS is valuable because it stores information about the world in a digital database. It has the ability to combine information and display it in ways that allows the user to visualize the use of space in different ways.

 8) How is the use of small-scale maps different from the use of large scale maps?
Small scale maps shows a large area but without much detail and it is used to relative location in a region or between regions. A large scale map shows a small are with much more detail and it is used to see relative location within region.

9) In what ways may relief be shown on a map?
By color shading and contouring lines.

10) What are the three types of thematic maps?
Qualitative maps, cartograms, and flow-line maps.